Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week Six: Oh God What Have I Done

I guess the appropriate name would have been Hell Week. But hey, it's over!

What I enjoyed this week it getting some bit of an ease in work. The rotoscoping was indeed tedious, but we didn't have to do anything different! It was pretty great in that aspect!

My dislike stems from not having access to the tablets on Thursday, given I was too stupid to remember to bring mine.

I learned that there's really no shortcut to this kind of work and you just need to shut off your brain and get down to it. Motivating huh?

What I would like to learn is more about the kind of effects you can pull off with this style. I'm creatively drawing blanks as to what I can do.

Capping another solid week off, I've got some funky psychedelic jams from another favorite band of mine, Tame Impala. This video features absolutely trippy hand drawn animations and styles sure to inspire. Have a good night broskis. 

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree, it was stupid that we didnt,have acess to tablets
