Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week Five: Late Night with Joel Congi

Have I ever mentioned I do these at the nearly last minute? I always seem to perform better under pressure.

Rotoscoping intrigues me to no end. The way it delves into the uncanny valley is something magical. You're making the perfect combination of real life and art. Just plain cool.

What I dislike is the obvious. Repetitiveness and onward droning of drawing individual frames. I think my eyes are turning inside out every hour I stare at the screen. Also that little mistake where I somehow got the final to still be 24 fps. Ah well, at least the quality will show.

I did learn that being a perfectionist really isn't all to necessary if you want a cool product. I tend to keep every other frame smooth, but get a little careless with those between. Really makes the animation breath.

What I'd like to learn is how I can figure this out with something like Autodesk Sketchbook Pro. There's some cool techniques I'd love to employ.

So for a special treat, I'm going to offer a music video from one of my favorite bands, The Features. I had the pleasure of meeting these guys in person last spring. One of the coolest groups no doubt. This video here features an excellent mix different animation techniques over one really catchy tune. Have fun.

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