Sunday, March 30, 2014

Welcome back to Spring, kind of

The last thing I needed to see what one more snowfall this weekend, but as it melts away, I'm glad to see this winter pass us. Good lord was it bad.

I really liked lip syncing and the theory behind specific mouth movements for words and phrases. Without the jar app it'd likely take me another week to get close to done.

I'm not happy with lacking the proper off time to have gotten more work done out of class. Usually I can at least get something significant done with, but not for this week I suppose.

Learning timing certainly helped me. When you get down to the individual frames of audio that Flash divides, sometimes you gotta make a change.

At this point I just want to learn how to more efficiently draw in Flash. It gets tedious when I need to whip out the brush for every new scene, and they usually take more time than the actual animation.

So, time again for some good old video goodies.
Something that involves lip sync, AND references Ghostbusters? Double score.

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