Ah yes, the confused and diverse world of advertisement. Let's start of honest here: I'm about as leaned in this topic as just about any other average Joe. I'm the guy who says "let's just put in some new indie garage rock band and some robots and then show the product at the end!" Not the most sophisticated thought process.
So we have Chipotle, and.. Well I've noticed you don't see very many ads for them. They're just kind of there. Anyway, they release this ad. An animated one starring a scarecrow character. With just a bit of controversial elements they managed to rustle some major jimmies it appears.
-Any publicity is good publicity seems to be a recurring idea with many companies. And that's a major one with this. Chipotle wanted to strike with a more lasting message than your average advertisement (though three minutes seems like a very generous slot. Even for an online ad.) This both works, and doesn't. Take T-Mobile and Nokia who spend the whole ad pointing out the competition until finally giving a two second mention to their own phone. By that time people are on a thought tangent about the Galaxy and iPhone.
-Again on the issue of ignoring the product, this kind of advertisement usually falls flat for emphasis on that reason. Chipotle has barely any advertisements, if even slightly memorable at all. We don't really know what they're all about until we go there, so when they're making an ad emphasizing a message that we can't directly link to them, you get a lost audience. "Cause marketing" is the term, and here it fails as usual.
-They tried to go for a viral video approach. While that's a noble effort, it's not the proper media for advertisement. When a video becomes viral people only care about the video. The connection to the company becomes a minor relation and really helps very little in business recognition. And if this video garners a negative attitude? Well then you've defeated your own cause.
Opinion time!
I'd much prefer to cut the sentimental deeper message stuff and get straight to the main course (pun intended if you want). Chipotle sells food. You go there to eat. SHOW THEM THE FOOD! It's counterproductive to give a huge narrative if your company has little advertisement presence to begin with. Start small and make a name!
Always incorporate the name at every given chance. Every second you don't let the audience know who you are is one slowly mounting failure. This is always the biggest issue. Identification. If I don't know it's a commercial for Chipotle and it's going on forever, chances are I'm gonna flip to another page or channel before I find out.
So, my final inquiry: Why did they go through all of this to promote an iOS game? Like, this could be their big break into advertisement of their business, but then they put all this controversy on an ad for a game with Chipotle pasted quickly at the end.
Makes me wonder.
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